Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do you know him?

Happy Easter Week!  This is an exciting week in the life of Christians as we celebrate and remember Jesus' final week on earth before being crucified and resurrected.  There are many opportunities for you to reflect on this important week... lunch services at the Methodist church every day at noon (Buddy will be speaking on Wednesday), Ladies Night Out with Sherrie Burgess (tonight at 6:00), and a Good Friday service at 6:00 on Friday night...  Take the time to invite someone to church this Sunday when you run across someone this week.  You could change their life!

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.  Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.  Amen."
- 1 Timothy 1:15-17

  • Welcome new members to the class - Chris & Beth and Jason & Michelle
  • Easter Egg Hunt at the Akridges on Saturday, April 2, at 11:00 - Bring your family's picnic lunch, Easter baskets, blankets, and lawn chairs and come ready to have a good time!
  • The Prayer & Pampers shower for Becky Rogers is Tuesday, April 6, at Elaine's house.  Come help shower Becky as she waits on the arrival of baby Hudson.
  • The girls of the Hollingsworth and Akridge classes enjoyed showering Kris and baby Kate with diapers and wipes this past Sunday at Emily's house.  Continue to pray for Kris, Drew, and Andrew as they wait the last couple of weeks to meet Kate. 

In case you didn't see this video last Sunday, here it is again.  I can't see this too many times!  That's my King!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Creation Science

I saw this today on the I Am Not Ashamed website.  It's a good read.

Not Ashamed to be a Creation Scientist
by Dr. Andrew Snelling

As a Christian, I am thoroughly enthralled when exploring the world created by our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1). As a scientist, I see so many mysteries yet to be solved.

Invariably what I discover reveals more of God’s wisdom, awesome power, and His character which loves beauty and order. Yet we also see disease, decay, and death that mar the entire world around us (Romans 8:20–22). These are the result of God’s judgment of man’s rebellion and sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:14–19). Fossils, for example, are testimony to the global Flood judgment (Genesis 7:19–24), and the different human languages are a reminder of the dispersion judgment at Babel (Genesis 11:1–9).
What was at the heart of man’s rebellion that brought sin and death into the world? Was it not Adam and Eve’s doubt of God’s Word and His sovereign all-knowing authority? Satan set a trap by causing doubt: “Has God indeed said”? (Genesis 3:1). Adam and Eve fell for the trap by choosing to become their own authority, rather than totally submitting to God’s authority and what He had told them.
Sadly so many scientists and scholars today, even those who call themselves Bible-believing, fall for Satan’s same trap. This in spite of the apostle Paul’s warning (2 Corinthians 11:3). Rather than always beginning with God’s Word as our ultimate authority, they instead place more trust in the ideas and opinions of those who ignore, and even oppose, God’s Word as the basis for investigating earth’s history.

Haven’t we learned from the repeated failures of God’s people, Israel? Don’t we often think how “dumb” the Israelites must have been to repeatedly fail in their obedience to His Word? So often God delivered them by His powerful actions—the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the drowning of Pharoah and his army—but sometimes even within days they grumbled and rebelled against His authority.
Yet we are no better today! Over the past 25 years I have met so many professing Christians, including scientists and pastors, who are adamant that Genesis can’t really mean God created in six literal days only thousands of years ago; they also deny that God later judged the world with the global catastrophic Flood. They claim that geologic evidences presented by evolutionary scientists and scholars (evidences that have been interpreted without the Bible as the ultimate authority) don’t agree with the Bible! Well, of course they don’t! Therefore, they say, God’s Word can’t be taken literally, and has to be re-interpreted!

I am utterly amazed by this totally inconsistent reasoning. Those who are guilty of it are in reality accusing the infinite, all-powerful, triune Creator God of not being able to communicate accurately and clearly what He meant to tell us in His Word. Instead, the reasoning of sinful, finite, fallible men who are in rebellion against God is regarded as more reliable in explaining earth’s history!
This is why I am not ashamed to be a creation scientist. Science (so-called, 1 Timothy 6:20) cannot save me from God’s judgment which I deserve as a rebellious sinner. God in His grace and mercy has provided His free gift of salvation (John 3:16). The living Word, my Creator (John 1:1–3), died for me, so how can I not trust His written Word that He used by His Spirit to draw me to Himself? It is the fear of the Lord, not man and man’s opinions, that is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. And God has told us clearly in His Word (the Bible) that He created every thing in six days, and subsequently judged the whole earth by a year-long, mountain-covering, global catastrophic Flood.

One day we all have to stand before our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, to give an account of our lives (Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10). Let us not forget that Jesus said: “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed” (Luke 9:26; Mark 8:38). I am not ashamed to be a creation scientist who stands on the authority of God’s Word. Will you stand with me?

Monday, March 22, 2010

News for the Week

Brian and I missed seeing everyone yesterday in Sunday School as we were spending our morning with a fun group of four-year-olds.   If anyone has any prayer requests or announcements to add, go to the class Facebook page!  Take some time to go there this week and post when you are unavailable for a class "get-together" during the next month.  Mike and Alison are trying to plan a time for us to get to know each other better!

There are several announcements that need posting, so check them out.
  • The Akridges have invited our newly formed class to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at their house on Saturday, April 2.  Be there at 11:00 with a picnic lunch for your family, lawn chairs, blankets, etc.  If you plan to attend, Mike and Brenda need 2 dozen plastic eggs filled with candy (no chocolate or anything that melts) next week.  If you are able to help hide the eggs on Friday night, April 1, let them know.  Our class needs to figure out who wants to bring chips, drinks, and desserts (brownies, cookies, etc. that don't require utensils).  Another treat for the day is the Easter story being told by Ann Hill for the kids!  It should be a fun day, so make plans to attend!!
  • Upcoming Prayer & Pampers showers!  Prayer & Pampers showers are showers for mothers who are having their second (or third or fourth) child.  The class shows up and showers them with diapers and wipes and (most importantly) prayers!  We will be celebrating the impending arrival of Baby Kate with Kris Rush on Sunday, March 28 at 5:30 at Emily Wolfe's house.  We will be celebrating with Becky to get her ready for Baby Hudson on Tuesday, April 6 at 6:30 at Elaine Price's house. 
  • A new Tuesday morning Bible study led by Natalie Johnson begins tomorrow morning at 9:45!  Books have been purchased by the church and are $13 so bring cash or check. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

When Life is Unfair

Andy Stanley is pastor of North Point Community Church and son of Charles Stanley. In his book How Good is Good Enough his summary of Christianity goes something like this...  “Christianity is based on the premise that God laid aside fairness and opted for mercy and grace instead."  As we enter this Easter season, let's remember Mark 15 and what Jesus suffered in order to save a world of sinners.  Justice is getting what I deserve, mercy is not getting what I deserve, and grace is getting what I don't deserve...

"With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.  The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." 
Mark 15:37-38

  • Prayer & Pampers for Kris Rush - March 23 at 7:00 at Brenda's house
  • Prayer & Pampers for Becky Rogers - April 6 at 6:30 at Elaine's house
  • MetroChangers - Saturdays, April 5 - May 1... Chris Chambers will hold a short informational meeting in the Chapel this Wednesday night at 7:30 if you are interested.
  • We will be starting the Love & Respect marriage series next Sunday.  Mike will hit play on the dvd at 9:30.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I am not ashamed.

Has anyone seen this commercial yet?  I thought it was pretty cool when I saw it last week.  It definitely made my ears perk up, so look for it and check out the site here

  • Prayer and Pampers shower for Kris Rush on March 23 at Brenda's house - 7:00!
  • Prayer and Pampers shower for Becky Rogers on April 6 at Elaine's house - 6:30!
  • A Prayer and Pampers shower is an opportunity to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new life!  Since the Akridge class recently branched off into the Hollingsworth class, we'll all be showering Kris and Becky together.  Bring a gift of diapers and have a time of prayer for the mother and baby - lots of fun!